The fallacy called Failure
‘People are magnetized to people who are enthusiastic, authentic, open, joyous, engaged, interested, fully present and who have a tangible physical presence, who stand out from the rest, who are sensitive and aware to what is going on around them.’
It is impossible to be any of the above if you believe in the concept failure and allow it to impact and direct your life…
The concept Failure causes so much unnecessary pain, stress, disappointment, worry, unhappiness, and makes us feel powerless and worthless. Failure is a fallacy. It is more important that you know and believe that you are appreciated and recognised as a unique Being with amazing sensibilities and abilities, and that you are Alive and Here Now!
It does not matter what others think, feel or believe about Failure. You have come a far way if you begin to realize and understand that it is impossible to fail.
The fact that you did something or are busy doing something in itself is admirable and wonderful. To measure it against others’ criteria and parameters for success is not wise. Things might not work out as planned; that does not mean you are a failure. How can you be? You are a Human Being.
Think again…
Think about it once again. The moment you say: ‘I am ….’, and in this scenario, I am a Failure, you discard that you are alive and that you are a Human Being. That is how you present yourself to the world and it is a lie. You are not your actions. A specific action or plan maybe did not work out. Your decisions and actions can be changed at any time. It is no reflection of you or your abilities.
We do not create and do alone. We are not separate from life. Maybe more information was needed, maybe you did not have all the elements required, maybe it was not the best time and place, maybe you needed to meet other people, maybe someone else needed to do something, and so on. So much to consider. So you learn how to approach an opportunity differently next time. You become more aware, and moreover, it might not have been the ‘thing’ you came to gift the world with or it was simply a stepping stone so you can become aware of how to make more empowered and informed choices next time. Maybe you started it with lack-consciousness, and were not even aware of it. We are naturally on the back foot the moment we begin anything from a state of desperation, fear and lack.
Be proud…
Instead of being ashamed you should be proud. You lived a reality and were not a spectator of life in the peanut gallery. You tried something; and maybe it is exactly this word ‘trying’ that caused perceived failure. When we try we are not doing it with conviction, with total trust and all our energy behind it. Just do it. No matter what happens; with all that you are. No feet on brakes, excuses or escape routes — leaving a backdoor open. Your feet are facing forward. Move. Jump. And never ever judge yourself or measure yourself or your actions with those of others. This is your life. Sing: ‘It’s my life, it’s now or never’, in the shower every day.
We refine what we do; by learning, trusting our abilities, and by doing it, and not by thinking we have failed or that we might fail or that we might be rejected or that we are not good enough.
To trust our decisions is one of the most difficult things in this life. For you to fully trust your own abilities to execute any dream, vision, idea or plan, you will be wise to erase the concept failure from your mind, subconscious mind and whole existence.
Any belief, feeling or thought that you can fail will sabotage you on a subconscious level. That will derail any amazing plan, no matter your intentions, how much energy and attention you devote to it, and how you execute it.
Divorce it…
The concept failure only holds you back. It is not your friend. Divorce it on all levels. Even better, bury it. Have a whole ceremony. And say good bye to it forever.
You came to this world to experience joy, which by the way is not an emotion, it is a state of being, and to thrive. You will begin to experience true joy when you begin as you mean to go! And that means full throttle!
Ps. You cannot make any mistakes. You simply have experiences that do not feel so good or through which you become aware of what you don’t want. And you are free to choose again.
Pat yourself on the back. With every action you come into alignment and coherent with a path through which you can blossom and thrive.
You are perfectly you…
A double PS…perfection is your worst enemy… you are perfectly you…
Exert from the ‘The Fallacy called Failure’ JOY Panorama Interactive Multi-sensory Multimedia Experience of the JOY Generation. Written by Hannelie Venucia. To access this experience connect with Han at