AA — no not that one — Age or Aliveness


“There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of life.” Frederico Fellini

JOY Panorama Interactive Multi-sensory Multimedia Experience

It all starts with your first breath; this glorious experience called life. Yet, sadly, conditioning and misperceptions about concepts such as age, bring about fear, uncertainty and resentment. Humans have appropriate so much value to age measured on a linear timeline, that we cannot see the miracles that life so generously offer in each moment. It is as if we postpone our happiness to a future date, only to be treated as if we have a sell-buy date.

Such concepts are created by our minds so we can control and evaluate our lives. You do not need a manager; your soul is a genius, it knows exactly what is best for you. No linear timeline can determine how you truly feel, nor can it dictate how you should behave. And, yes and, it most definitely is no indication of your value and the wonder of your contribution to life. Maybe it is time to consider which is more important and significant; measuring your age and acting accordingly or your attitude, vitality and the energy that you infuse in whatever you do, moment by moment?

Which gives more joy? Your body, mind and heart working together in harmony; thus rejoicing in being alive and living life fully or fear that you have no or will no longer have value to society or have enough, and that you will have no more purpose?

Purposelessness is the biggest killer on the planet. Too many giving up on life prematurely while they still have so much to share, experience and contribute; possibly just in a different form. The rejection and dismissal is too much to handle for any soul. You are not a consumable. You did not come to Earth with an expiry date. You are here for the long haul, whatever that means to you. You are most precious. What makes you different from a precious stone? Nothing at all; made from the same star dust. You value does not diminish based on how long you have been around.

There are many paradigms that are now outdated relating age, which cause unnecessary fear and anxiety. It is unbalanced lifestyles, manic activities, achievement, competition, greed, power struggles, stress, and the rat race, misunderstanding between generations, and our perception of our lifespan, that age us prematurely and make us weary. We feel undernourished and poverty of spirit and heart. It is like a never-ending abyss. And, fear rules our inner worlds. Will we have enough for our old age, as we only have so much time left? The clock is ticking. Likewise, as one who came more recently, the continuous struggle to be accepted and acknowledge for who you are and your genius and contribution, regardless of your age.

There is a spark inside of you that does not diminish with time; it is ever present. The only thing that dims and hides it, is you. Your vitality and zest for life determines its brightness. Your spark needs to be fumed into action and it needs to engage (not manic activities but meaningful experiences); it loves intercourse with life; it loves movement; it adores you expressing all your gifts and talents regardless of how long you have been here; and it flourishes when you have a purpose and do what you love doing.

The light and spark in your eyes indicates your energy levels, enthusiasm, vitality and mobility. Your zest for and how you perceive life, yourself, others, possibilities, and life, impacts your energy levels and vitality.

You did not come only to exist and for all these achievements. Life is a mystery, and so are you. You are busy unfolding like a beautiful rose. It is not important how long you visit Earth on this journey. It is significant and meaningful of how present, involved and available to life you are in each moment.

Simply be fully present to what comes and what shows up. The state of being with which you approach and respond to life determines the quality of your experiences.

JOY is a state of being, not an emotion. You will begin to experience true joy when you realize and understand that aliveness has nothing to do with age. Likewise, age, measured in a linear way, has nothing to do with your value and the magnificent contributions you bring to life while you are alive.

Exert from the ‘AA-no not that one — Age or Aliveness?’ JOY Panorama Interactive Multisensory Multimedia Experience of the JOY Generation. Written by Hannelie Venucia. To access this experience visit https://joyplanet.joygeneration.world



Hannelie Sensemaker Wor(l)dPainter Venucia
Hannelie Sensemaker Wor(l)dPainter Venucia

Written by Hannelie Sensemaker Wor(l)dPainter Venucia

Hannelie loves to bring joy and to create and share enriching and expansive experiences and perspectives that remind us of our greatness, potential and genius.

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